I know my previous post says I was meant to be back after a long hiatus, but I didn't. Got busy, and bogged down to an extent. That is life. You plan something; something else happens. You ask for few things; you get everything else other than that! But again isn't that what makes life interesting and for some like me who need a challenge everyday she wakes up livable? I turned 26 this year and the very first thought that hit me was not that I am loved, not that I am old, not that I am to be married soon, not that I have a job which exhausts me every single day, not that my drink had gone dry half an hour ago, not that I might never have a tiger cub as a pet... nope none of these...It was the one haunting fact that my ambition fizzled out by the time I was 23. I always wanted to make a mark by the time I was 21. This didn't have to be becoming a multi-billionaire, but something that I could look back and be proud of! This thought has been lingering with me throughout this year and I have decided that I will do everything, I mean EVERYTHING, that I haven't done before in 2011. And it has been on helluva year :-)... and surprisingly more mountains than valleys... whoopa :-) :-) More on this later, for now one of the most constant things in my life: my belief in love.
Some of my absolute favourites, each on tells a million stories, only my interpretations below:
The countless hours spent getting to know each other more and falling in all over again,

The fact that life offers more lemons than you can handle, but treasuring the thought that you have somebody to grow old with and share the tequilas;

Adios, Amigos!
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