Bats – screech
Okapis - cough, bellow
Dolphins – click
Mosquitoes – whine
Thrushes - whistle, sing
Tokay Geckos - to-keh
Kangaroos - tipper, chortle
Hamsters – squeak
Apes – gibber
Bitterns – boom
Chaffinches – fink
Basenji dogs – yodel
Curlews – pipe
Falcons - chant
Wrens - warble
Eagles - scream
Ferrets - dook
Finish that sentence for me peeps. Let's see what you've got :P...

P.S. (Those trying to figure out what this is, don't!!! Don't waste your time on that, come up with some unique for the question above and you shall be rewarded...BTW howz the new look?)
@Guruji: I confess I'm disappointed...atleast come up with a fancy word for the same na?...and know dragons don't suck and you know put those grey cells to use before they become redundant...go go...
U thinkin about changing the name of your it?????The ______ of the dragon or sumthin on those lines???:-D
Btw,my answers are always multiple choice questions...take ur pick...bellow,roar,hiss,growl
I looove the new change in your template!!! soo much spacious :P
Dragons dominate, Dragons growl
Dragons...must be making some noise. Who knows?! No one anyway waits to hear it once they spot a dragon.
Dragons breathe fire. SO whatever sound a roaring fire makes, that's what dragons do. For more minute details, kindly peruse Harry Potter. :P
@Rahul: Nope I ain't planning to change the name...just needed it is response to something...Bellow is fine...roar, hiss growl all are already taken for other animals up there :(....I was looking for something unique you know...
@Red: Tanku tanku :D....but some how I preferred the other one...more spunk I guess...yes I am in a white white phase right now...but I think black is more me than white...will tinker around more :)...and yeah I'll take dominate.
@Kalpak: I agree but I really was looking for an answer you know :(...with the answer you won't have to spot me to run, you can hear me and run :P..
@Divys: You've given me a thought, will explore more...come back again if you can think of anything else....You think I should contact Rowling ;)?
:D I second Kalpak.
But then, do dragons laugh? I never thought of dragons being of the funny-boned kind:P
New look = good work.
You're learning AND how.
@PV: That's an interesting thought....why does it have to be only terrifying sounds right...ok laugh it is :D...thanks PV, I learn fast.
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